Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Through the eyes of a toddler.

This is a video we found on the camera only recently.  Jackie just showed it to me today, she discovered it while on her California trip.  She had no idea the camera was filming when Cameron was walking around with it, pretty hilarious!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Levi's Baptism

 Levi was baptized May 6, 2012 in the company of family and friends. Here he is with Lindsey the Godmother.

 Smiles! Or as Cameron says "Miles!"

 Cameron's a bit tired. Cuddles with grandma

 Sleeping in Auntie Dionne's arms

 Happy daddy

 Snuggling with Great Grandma 

Presented by Father Bernard, the newly illumined Levi Michael

Welcome Levi!

 On January 5, 2012 we welcomed Levi Michael Youchezin into the world. Its been a pretty crazy few months but everything is going well. We couldn't be happier, this includes big brother Cameron and fur brother Charlie :)

 Dida, Levi and daddy. Levi only an hour old!

 Home at last!

 Sweet little bundle

 Proud mom and dad

 Proud brother and fur brother

Hanging out one morning while mom tries to get hair done in the bathroom beside them.