Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Out for a sleigh ride, first real good breath of the fresh air since entering this interesting place.

Sun perhaps is a little bright but we came prepared...

Mommy`s sunglasses to the rescue!

I think it was a hit! no tears!!!Babba and Dita over for a visit, always a good time!

Hmm... and just what are these supposed to do...All Smiles

Bath time.A nice deep bath for a change. This big boy has outgrown his own baby tub already!


  1. What a sweetheart! This sure is a good way to start your day by looking at that sweet face and wonderful smile!

  2. Hey! I completely forgot you had this blog! Kind of exciting because I got to see a whole bunch of photos at once. Cameron sure has a cute smile! =)

  3. Hi Jackie and Neil, I just came across your blog from Corinne's - congrats on the birth of Cameron, he sure is a cutie!!!
