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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easter 2011 with the Youchezin Clan

We had Easter at auntie Corinne and uncle Ryan's this year with the Youchezin side of the family. It was a great time!

Despite the fat lip from an accident earlier in the day, Graye is still uber adorable.

Super cute Princess Tegan as she likes to be called :)

Cameron enjoyed playing with trucks on the kids table instead of eating turkey dinner.

But he DID have dessert with cousin Tegan :)

After Supper we went to the backyard and sat around the fire, first one of the year! Cameron got a ride on his new bike from uncle Ryan and Tegan

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS!!! Wow he is getting so big!! Miss you guys!!
